Godolphin Horne Poem by Hilaire Belloc

Godolphin Horne

Rating: 2.9

Who was cursed with the Sin of Pride, and Became a Boot-Black.

Godolphin Horne was Nobly Born;
He held the Human Race in Scorn,
And lived with all his Sisters where
His father lived, in Berkeley Square.
And oh! The Lad was Deathly Proud!
He never shook your Hand or Bowed,
But merely smirked and nodded thus:
How perfectly ridiculous!
Alas! That such Affected Tricks
Should flourish in a Child of Six!
(For such was Young Godolphin's age).
Just then, the Court required a Page,
Whereat the Lord High Chamberlain
(The Kindest and the Best of Men),
He went good-naturedly and took
A perfectly enormous Book
Called People Qualified to Be
Attendant on His Majesty,
And murmured, as he scanned the list
(To see that no one should be missed),
"There's William Coutts has got the Flu,
And Billy Higgs would never do,
And Guy de Vere is far too young,
And ... wasn't D'Alton's father hung?
And as for Alexander Byng!-...
I think I know the kind of thing,
A Churchman, cleanly, nobly born,
Come, let us say Godolphin Horne?"
But hardly had he said the word
When Murmurs of Dissent were heard.
The King of Iceland's Eldest Son
Said, "Thank you! I am taking none!"
The Aged Duchess of Athlone
Remarked, in her sub-acid tone,
"I doubt if He is what we need!"
With which the Bishops all agreed;
And even Lady Mary Flood
(So kind, and oh! So really good)
Said, "No! He wouldn't do at all,
He'd make us feel a lot too small."
The Chamberlain said, "Well, well, well!
No doubt you're right. One cannot tell!"
He took his Gold and Diamond Pen
And scratched Godolphin out again.
So now Godolphin is the Boy
Who Blacks the Boots at the Savoy.

Douglas Scotney 27 October 2017

there are flying cows in Chagall and one's even holding an umbrella

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Sylvia Frances Chan 09 March 2024

ONE: In this poem, the theme revolves around irony and the absurdity of human behavior. It humorously portrays the story of Godolphin Horne, a boy born into nobility, who disdained the human race.

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Sylvia Frances Chan 09 March 2024

TWO: His excessive pride and affected mannerisms lead to comical situations. Despite his lofty origins, he ends up as a humble boot black at the Savoy,

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Bri Edwards 22 February 2023

I loved 'Alas! That such Affected Tricks Should flourish in a Child of Six! ' Another fine poem by a life filled to the brim (at times) . See bio on PH. ;) bri

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Sylvia Frances Chan 01 July 2024

Chosen by Poem Hunter and Team as The Classic Poem Of The Day.TOP Marks once again.

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Sylvia Frances Chan 01 July 2024

This is for the second time I give my respond to this clever worded poem, Summed up it is a satirical exploration of pride, humility and the unexpected twists of fate.. Most deserving Classic Poem Of The Day!

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Sylvia Frances Chan 09 March 2024

FIVE: In summary, the theme of "Godolphin Horne" is a satirical exploration of pride, humility and the unexpected twists of fate.

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Sylvia Frances Chan 09 March 2024

FOUR: Through Godolphin's transformation, the poem playfully mocks societal norms and the superficial judgments people make based on status and appearance.

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Sylvia Frances Chan 09 March 2024

THREE: a stark contrast to his initial haughty attitude. The poet uses irony to emphasize the folly of pretension and the unpredictability of life.

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Hilaire Belloc

Hilaire Belloc

La Celle-Saint-Cloud
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