The Frog Poem by Hilaire Belloc

The Frog

Rating: 3.4

Be kind and tender to the Frog,
And do not call him names,
As 'Slimy skin,' or 'Polly-wog,'
Or likewise 'Ugly James,'
Or 'Gap-a-grin,' or 'Toad-gone-wrong,'
Or 'Bill Bandy-knees':
The Frog is justly sensitive
To epithets like these.

No animal will more repay
A treatment kind and fair;
At least so lonely people say
Who keep a frog (and, by the way,
They are extremely rare).

Stacey Andrews 24 February 2015

We have two books w/this poem. In one the text reads Gap-a-grin (like above) and the other reads Gape-a-grin. Does anyone know which is correct?

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Walterrean Salley 26 November 2016

(The Frog by Hilaire Belloc.) **Trivia with a twist. Fun for the reading.

13 6 Reply
Birgitta Abimbola Heikka 25 November 2014

Loved the rhythm of the poem.

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Joseph Poewhit 28 February 2010

An eccentric type pet, reflecting the nature of the owner. Though kids around the pond, find them sport to catch.

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B. Lee 19 December 2019

I believe Belloc wrote " Billy" , not " Bill" Bandy-knees, as " Bill" doesn't scan.

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Mahtab Bangalee 27 October 2019

An alluring poem for children, drawing them in with a tale of the fabled frog....yeah right you are mr. Terence George Craddock

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Joanna 20 June 2019

I had once a friend, a frog. He would come to my kitchen to dine in style. I wrote about him in my blog:

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Tanisha 27 February 2019

Thanks dear this helps me a lot for my assessment

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Anand 22 May 2018

Very nice

4 3 Reply
airianna 07 November 2018

I have to agree😄😄😄😄! ! ! !

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Hilaire Belloc

Hilaire Belloc

La Celle-Saint-Cloud
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