Good Day To You Lover And Fair Well, To You As Well: : . Poem by Kellyn, A Grau

Good Day To You Lover And Fair Well, To You As Well: : .

Look at me and see my blue eyes cry
Stair at me and say your good-byes
Tell me you care and take me by my hand
I'll be with you and there I'll always stand
Right beside you until you throw me away
Cause here it comes, I'll face another day
So I'll die and you'll just watch me fall
Here I'll stand and my heart will call
Out the sorrow that's bleeding into my mind
so will you help me so that i may find
The one true thing to keep me alive
cause i cant fall i want to be the one who survives
I'll never let you break me down
How could i let you steel away my sound
Break my body in to and use me for nothing
How could you love me and still feel loathing
You never cared but string me along
so will i find that one place i belong
The bloods been spilt and now its tainting
My heart with hate and hear its painting
The memories of you into my soul
But now its time that i take full control
I'll break you from me and throw you into your own pain
you'll lose your way and slowly go insane
I'll never help you but I'll stab you in the back
so your eyes will open and you'll see what you lack
I'll slice you open and rip away your beating heart
I'll hold it before you and tear it apart
I'll kiss your cheek as you take in your last breath
and so I'll bask in the glory of your death

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