Goodbye, Kindness Poem by Boston Kelley

Goodbye, Kindness

I look upon your tomb and weep.
I gaze upon the hole that the casket
will be lowered into and wail.
I look out at the audience,
full of sorrow,
and sob loudly.

Kindness, how sad we are that you
have gone!
You were the wind beneath Love's wings,
it's mighty carrier.
You were the inspiration for people to
respect and cherish each other.
You were the greatest peacemaker
the world has ever known,
a voice that preached a doctrine
that spread like wildfire.

I want to leap into that grave with you,
leaving this world to spend a blissful
eternity with you.
Since you have fallen in battle to Hatred,
what hope is left for us?

Hatred has lured people in with flattering
speeches and temptations,
preaching a doctrine of pride through
tearing others down.
You could not stand to watch him succeed,
and faced him head-on.
You brought your army to face him,
a massive force that has never been equaled.
You fought with all your strength,
Driven by the passion of your doctrine.
However, Hatred won the battle,
standing over your bloodied corpse.
He could now preach across the world,
poisoning all that you sought to cure.

The tears flow down my face, never-ending!
I weep and weep to the point, I can't even speak!
Your presence brought joy to my darkened world.
Meeting those who followed your teaching,
put a smile on my face.
But now you are gone, with only a few of
your followers left.
Who could hope to save us from
Hatred's evil followers?

Tuesday, November 24, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: hatred,kindness
Boston Kelley

Boston Kelley

Fayetteville, Arkansas
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