İ Got Confused Poem by Alona de Lara

İ Got Confused

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İts the start of new year today
New year  new beginning,   as they say
But today İ got confused
And this feeling,   İ dont want to refuse.

İ 've been thinking of how my life will be
For this year 2020,   what should İ be?
İ have been good and responsible
Turned impossible things to possible.

İ was stabbed at the back
And now İ finally get on the track.
İ should'nt trust  anybody
Even if they say its family.

Now İm confused,
Relationship İ have with you, is it still true?
İ might be in the wrong place.
Your family seems love your ex.

They shared same feelings
And constantly greet each other
While me,   your wife was stabbed at the back.
Advised by your own parent, İ should never give up.

And for what? for blind truth?
Or just for show off?
You/They can never fool me twice.

İts 2020 İ should think clearly and solely.
İts not all about you.
İ have my family too
And there's no more you!
Go to your ex if that's what they like.

Wednesday, January 1, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: new year
Jazib Kamalvi 01 January 2020

Write comment. Such a nice poem, Alona. Read my poem, Love and Iust. Thanks

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