Hand In Hand Tenderly Poem by Tina Rizk

Hand In Hand Tenderly

My love,

When it was raining in my life
You carried an umbrella in one hand
And tenderly held my hand in the other
Walking with me through muddy puddles

When my path lacked a flicker of light
You carried the torch in one hand
And tenderly held my hand in the other
On the road ahead, we walked together

When my heart felt happy
You were happier than me
Your eyes sparkled with joy
A new moon glowed on your face

When my eyes shed tears
You wiped my eyes
Whispering: I'm here

And I wonder why
Yet does love ask why?
God sows love in hearts
We're destined to walk
Hand in hand tenderly
On the sacred path of
Endless love, eternally

Copyright ©️ Tina Rizk

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