Happy Birthday Debdutta Poem by Prabir Gayen

Happy Birthday Debdutta

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Happy birthday
to you Debdutta,
Many happy moments
come to adorn you,
Happy and more happy
moments for you,
Be happy and be joyous,
it is your time.

Happy birthday to you and
hail to your being,
You were born This day
years ago,
Fulfilling the empty souls
of your parents,
Happy day for your
for your bright presence,

You are and you were
time and behind time,
The form and formless,
Hail to your formed fragrance.

Hail to you for your birthday!
The day you opened your eyes,
and life kissed you with new light,
Existence hugged you as Mother.

Days are gone with
sun and shower,
New branches grow
In the tree of your garden,
In your Mind and being,
Meeting every moment
with delight, the joy of life.

Friends come and go
With new gifts to wish
It is the time to celebrate,
time to remember your presence,
Let your birthday be
eternal moments,

Birthday is a deathday
we all know,
Fourteen years have passed
into naught,
The abyss of absolute void,
Into nothingness of
languid memoir.

Happy birthday Debdutta,
With love and with Joy,
Let you be joyous to observe
Your day of birth,
The rapture of your presence,
Let your presence be celebrated,
Let you be witness your mutism.

Happy birthday to you Debdutta,
Happy moment to pass with you,
With your joyous presence,
Let our presents(gifts)be lively,
and present moments become present.
Let you be your present
being in moment,
Let eternity dawn on you.

Like waves fall
On the bosom of ocean,
Like days fall
Into the womb of night,
I wish from the bottom Of my heart
an awakening charm falls on you,
Showing you light,
The right way to fulfill your Journey,
To reach the Ultimate, The Absolute.


@prabir Gayen - 11/03/2019 - 8: 17 PM.

Prabir Gayen 12 March 2019

Like waves fall On the bosom of ocean, Like days fall Into the womb of night, I wish from the bottom Of my heart an awakening charm falls on you, Showing you light, The right way to fulfill your Journey, To reach the Ultimate, The Absolute.

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Me Poet Yeps Poet 12 March 2019

exceedingly good theory sad in modern times many won't buy it Iam no tinking of abandoning from this site I have spent many days and nights composing creative poetry Hardly comment except you and an odd one may be So I decided to abandon finally Perhaps need a SABBATICAL MAY be

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Julia Luber 11 March 2019

Beautiful birthday poem; such a warm gesture of a poet to enhance Birthday Wishes with something this magniloquent! Touchee!

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Srijita Mondal 11 March 2019

Beautiful Poem.. " I wish from the bottom Of my heart an awakening charm falls on you, Showing you light, The right way to fulfill your Journey, To reach the Ultimate, The Absolute" 1000000000000000000000+++++++++

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