Happy Birthday To My Daughter Betsy Poem by Hebert Logerie

Happy Birthday To My Daughter Betsy

A few golden years ago, I was blessed
To become a daddy, a father
And your mom became a mother
She is a good one that nobody should mess
With. I became a proud and happy daddy
Who cared about his darling baby
I became a father who will always love
His daughter. I became a lion and a dove
I protected my daughter at all time
And I've loved my baby full time
Today, I am telling you that I have loved you
Yesterday and I will forever love you
And your mother, despite the incidences
Despite the time, and the circumstances
I will eternally be your dad
That's no joke, that's not a fad
I will love forever my daughter
(My baby) , and her unique mother.

Copyright © January 2018 Logerie Hébert, All rights reserved
Hébert Logerie is the author of several collections of poems.

Happy Birthday to Betsy! ! !
Rajnish Manga 08 January 2018

What a wonderful poem- Reiteration of love of a proud father for his daughter on her birthday. Thanks, Hebert.

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