Happy Valentine's Day Poem by Lauren

Happy Valentine's Day

It's been a while since you've been a topic
And you're to blame for my lack of inspiration
I guess I do remember all the moments you're so fond of
I guess I do loathe our lack of reconciliation

Time isn't making you go away
The last kiss was just as hard as the first
It's still fresh on my lips as my last glass of water
And it's becoming tiresome to assuage my thirst

We were fools to evade your deception
What a joke, to think that we would endure
After we were responsible for so many scenes
Perhaps you just stayed around to make me impure

And I hear you have been contemplating suicide
Word around town is that you're sad to see me go
For the first time in two years you feel remorse
At least the writings on the wall have told me so

I will never swallow an ounce of your vindication again
Any apology for the past is too overdue to accept
I detest you, not grieve you, and I meant it when I said
'Do you want back all of the things I've kept?
All you say is a lie, now go to bed like I did every night and cry
Happy Valentine's Day, and for the last time,
Good bye.'

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