Have Mac - Will Travel! Poem by Long Tooth

Have Mac - Will Travel!

I have iPhones slung low on each hip for fast draws.
Nope, you won't see white gloves on this tenderfoot's paws.
I post mostly rhymed poems, they're metered, spit-shined
and can dazzle one's boots off, leave critics consigned
to hawk snow cones to children at Sputnik's State Fair
(if they keep up at all, still can rock in their chair) !
There's no passport for purchase on poetry's range
and no fences to bypass, things open to change.

Some prefer to grab fruit that hangs low on a tree
(there's investment or risk?) What ‘don't rhyme' is called "free? " (1)
Fruit one reader calls "orange, " another calls "peach, "
to my taste bleached, cracked seashells (life's slag on a beach!)
Such are haiku some laud ‘cause their content's so vague
with fake seasonal words (Smells like death. Kind of plague?)
I like haiku I do, when they rise from the ground,
like a blossom that's chock-full of bright-colored sound.

I am gunning for you if you think you're a pro,
think your faith is real knowledge, that God's yours to ‘snow.'
There are bullies (I'm not one) but know hypocrites
when I see them (all puffed up) , sad brains on the fritz.
I am loaded for bear and you're barely a cub,
so run back to your momma, I'm warning you, Bub.
I will blow your fool's brains out (if bothered again) .
Let me move my lips slowly, we're not talking chin!

Long Tooth
May 8,2022
Poet's Notes:
The Paladin of Poetry for President! Yahoo!
(1) "Free Verse" often presents as with a charlatan's bravado (like the 'Emporer's New Clothers! ') that may be prettified prose but is never poetry! That is not to say that it has no value, however. Even elevator music and ocean waves have a kind of easy beauty to them that can be pleasant to the ear in small doses!

Wednesday, June 7, 2023
Topic(s) of this poem: poetry,Humor
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