Haiku poems from famous poets and best beautiful poems to feel good. Best haiku poems ever written. Read all poems about haiku.
Following are several translations
of the 'Old Pond' poem, which may be
the most famous of all haiku:
Today I pass the time reading
a favorite haiku,
saying the few words over and over.
In a week or ten days
the snow and ice
will melt from Cemetery Road.
They carpet the hills
Line the long winding roadways
Rainbows on the ground.
We need real love
To establish real peace
Springs from real love.
Fighting for freedom,
Fall of a valiant soldier
Resting in the Lord
Butterfly in class
learns lessons along with kids.
Excellent student.
The extreme storm waves
Aim to sweep the running clouds
And the lone sparrow.
after summer's rain
God's promise is remembered
glorious rainbow
A human blossom
Blooming with the breath of life -
Totally awesome
Like medieval knights
Armor clad, in fields battle
To reap victory
haiku one:
in criss-crossing shadows
of the mountains, we admire
the taste of pinot noir
left open overnight
A Haiku is a haiku is a haiku is a haiku.....
A Haiku is a haiku is a haiku is a haiku
Is a Haiku Is a haiku in heaven and on earth
Haiku Number Three
A Haiku is a haiku
is a haiku and
Haiku: Love It So!
love haiku so clear
concerns completeness of earth
In her glance from blue eyes
She is love haiku
In her smiling lips
She is pearl haiku
The Original Sin: Rhyming Haiku!
should never rhyme:
The Oldest Haiku - Haiku Timeline - History and Chronology of Haiku
These are my translations of some of the oldest Japanese waka, which evolved into poetic forms such as tanka, renga and haiku over time. My translations begin with excerpts from the Kojiki or 'Record of Ancient Matters' composed around 711 A.D. by the historian and poet Ō no Yasumaro. These are lines from one of the oldest Japanese poems, found in the oldest Japanese book...
Takaha Shugyo haiku and tanka translations
hatogata horarete ichiju haya mebuku
Haiku Poems can be summarized as a short form of traditional Japanese poetry. The 5/7/5 rule is the prominent detail of this poetry genre. Accordingly, the first line must have five syllables, the second line seven syllables, and the third line five syllables. With these poems, a picture is drawn in a few words. Because of their simplicity, authors are forced to focus on the basics solely, making every word-or even syllable-matter. This is a practice of artistic discipline.
We have compiled for you haiku poems about Nature 5-7-5, haiku poems about flowers and haiku poems in Hindi, which are among the prominent titles. Readers can reach the best samples in this writing.
“The Old Pond” by Matsuo Bashō
Furu ike ya
kawazu tobikomu
mizu no oto
An old silent pond
A frog jumps into the pond—
Splash! Silence again.
One of the four greatest Haiku masters, Matsuo Basho, provided this classic example. Haikus are a traditional Japanese form of poetry that originated in Japan. Hokkus are group poetry that adhere to the 5/7/5 formula. A kireji, or "cutting word," (such as "Splash!"), is used to divide them. They are supposed to comment on the season or the writers' surroundings and to generate some type of contrasting vision.
The other sample is “A World of Dew” by Kobayashi Issa.
A world of dew,
And within every dewdrop
A world of struggle.
Sometimes, the kireji occasionally appears at the conclusion of a haiku to give it a feeling of closure. This moving poem by Kobayashi Issa, another outstanding Haiku master, inserts the kireji near the end. Issa's haiku does not adhere to the 5/7/5 rule when translated, yet it still has impact.
Now, let's examine the other poem which is “Lighting One Candle” by Yosa Buson.
The light of a candle
Is transferred to another candle—
Spring twilight
Haikus concentrates on a fleeting instant in time, contrasting two pictures to provide an unexpected sense of enlightenment. The haiku master Yosa Buson's poem of a single candle to the starry amazement of the spring sky is a wonderful illustration of this.
Well, the other sample is “A Poppy Blooms” by Katsushika Hokusai.
I write, erase, rewrite
Erase again, and then
A poppy blooms.
There are four haiku poets known as "the Great Four" in this type of poetry that spread from Japan to the world: Matsuo Basho, Kobayashi Issa, Masaoka Shiki and Yosa Buson. The artworks of these poets still serve as examples for haiku poems today. The other important name is Natsume Soseki, a famed novelist and contemporary of Shiki, who also wrote haiku.
Reading through samples of haiku poems is a great way to get inspired and comfortable with this style of poetry and the sensory language it employs.
Following the traditional 5-7-5 haiku pattern, there are five "moras" in the first, third, and second lines and seven in the second. A mora is a sound unit that resembles a syllable but differs from it. Since not every English word has the same amount of syllables, or moras, as its Japanese counterpart, this rhythm is sometimes lost in translation. For instance, a haiku has two syllables in English and three in Japanese.
Haiku Poems about Nature 5-7-5
Three lines of five, seven, and five syllables each make up the haiku, an unrhymed poetry form. Although it wasn't given the term haiku until the 19th century, the haiku initially appeared in 17th-century Japanese literature as a brief response to complex poetry traditions.
Haiku (The Taste...) Poem by Jack Kerouac
The taste
of rain
—Why kneel?
The Old Pond Poem by Matsuo Basho
There is the old pond!
Lo, into it jumps a frog:
hark, water's music!
(Translated by Harry Behn)
Haiku - Spring Of Love Poem by M. Asim Nehal
cover of the clouds
opened up for the moonbeam
spring of love in life
The Rainbow Poem by Udiah (witness to Yah)
after summer's rain
God's promise is remembered
glorious rainbow
Haiku ~ Winter Poem by M. Asim Nehal
a winter sunset
fog is ready to catch up
chilling nights are back
Haiku Poem by Matsuo Basho
scent of plum blossoms
on the misty mountain path
a big rising sun
Flower - A Haiku Poem by C. P. Sharma
I hide me in bud
Bloom exposes my inside
Fading I whither
** Flowers Of Love ** (Haiku Free Form) Poem by ANJALI SINHA
Flowers of love
blossom in air of faith-
Divine oxygen
99. Haiku Flower Power Poem by David Threadgold
Say it with fresh flowers
If your love can read
Words hidden in blooms
Haiku 49 - Fragrant Flowers Poem by Parameswaran Nair Damodaran Nair
One fragrant flower
Among a heap of flowers
makes the heap fragrant
Haiku On Flower Poem by Dr.Mosam Sinha
Hidden in green grass
like a lady behind curtain,
a flower leads its life.
Haiku 48 - Butterflies And Poor Flowers Poem by Parameswaran Nair Damodaran Nair
Butterflies love blooms
Leave them draining sweet honey
To wither away
Hindi Haiku Savera Poem by S.D. TIWARI
प्रातःकी बेला
बच्चों की पीठ पर
बस्ते का बोझ
भोर होते ही
गाय रम्भाने लगी
दूध तैयार
प्रातः सुदूर
ऊपर को उठता
आग का गोला
Jharnaa (Waterfall) - A Hindi Haiku Poem by Sunil Uniyal
jhar jhar jhar jhar -
pahaari dhalaan par
ek jharnaa nirantar
Haiku (In Hindi) - 1 Poem by ramesh rai
Manav badh chala Mahamanav banane
Prakriti stabdh hokar dekhti rahi uski pragati
Hai yeh Manav Ya Danav
Hindi Haiku (36-45) Poem by S.D. TIWARI
हाइकू ३६
बच्चे हिलाते
अमरूद पाने को
पूरा ही पेड़
हाइकू ३७
A Hindi Haiku, तेरे होंट Poem by Ravi Kopra
तेरे होंट
गुलाब की दो कलीआं
मेरे होंठों को थठथठाती हैंं
Writing a poem is not about bringing some words together to create some charming sentences. It's so much deeper than that. Writing poetry is a bridge that allows people to express their feelings and make others live every single word they read. Poetry is to educate people, to lead them away from hate to love, from violence to mercy and pity. Writing poetry is to help this community better understand life and live it more passionately. PoemHunter.com contains an enormous number of famous poems from all over the world, by both classical and modern poets. You can read as many as you want, and also submit your own poems to share your writings with all our poets, members, and visitors.