He Is Not Like All Poem by PRAVEEN KUMAR English Poems

He Is Not Like All

He is not like all,
Jumps, bounces, falls and rises next minute,
Not a moment here, not a moment there,
Yet, he is found everywhere.

Only threat holds him anywhere
That too for a minute,
Next minute, he is again everywhere;
A magician,
Impossible like a giant once,
Creeps and escapes like a mouse next,
No thousand eyes can fix him for long;
Shouts, screams and sudden laughs
Spurt on the cusps of anger and joy.

He is not next what he is now,
Nor now what he was a moment back,
A fast changing face of the mood himself;
No reasons now, all reasons next,
In the splendid colours of own thoughts;
Everything is deep, everything is fresh,
Everything is a wonder in his little world;
A bully now, kind hearted next,
No lasting emotions ever reach his soul.

Like morn dew, he is,
Untouched and unattached,
Yet, roots himself deep in the world around;
A wonder indeed,
The creation's most creative skill
In moods, thoughts and ever-changing spirit.

He is a riddle,
One cannot figure what is what in him;
If one says no, he always says yes,
And when one says yes, he algate, no;
He is love itself, pure and fresh.

He insists his way,
Yet, not arrogant
He is the flow of the unconstrained soul;
He indeed is hard to deal,
Yet, a pleasure to deal,
He is a pleasing labour for all of us.

No dull and grim moment with him;
He dances and dances our hearts too
Like twinkles of stars
In the spread of the unending sky overhead;
An island of warm and refreshing joy
In the tumult of the ocean of life.

He is a wondrous magic light
In the world of everyday experiences;
New meanings of life,
He, his acts unfold algate;
Never a moment dull and wasted in him,
Never a feeling of worn soul;
He is the greatest physician I ever saw,
His smiles, a tonic,
His talks, a treat,
His touch, a spellbinding magical cure,
He is a celestial physician for all.

Never a moment quiet, yet calm and peaceful,
Never a moment restful, yet a joyous soul;
This is what he does, this is how he fills us
In the life's gross pell-mell.

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