He's In Charge Poem by Gary James Smith

He's In Charge

Rating: 5.0

He's In Charge

Thank you Father for the thought
That though our problems may seem large
God is able to prove Himself strong
For He, for He...is in charge
When we are in His will we know
That trials and testings still come
But be not forgetful of this one thing
He records them...every one

Why shall we murmur and complain
Our steps are ordered by God
Do you not think He has your back
This needs to be understood
So gird yourself up again in faith
Our strong foundation when we believe
Remember the Word of the Lord gives grace
Ask and ye shall receive

So heavenly Father here I am
You know from whence I came
And as a child I humble myself
And praise your holy name
With full expectancy from your love
My vision may you enlarge
Knowing full well it's not me Lord
But knowing that He's in charge

Copyright November 16 2018 12: 11 PM

Gary James Smith

Friday, November 16, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: love
Haidee Majola 16 November 2018

In Him impossible is nothing Thanks Gary

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Gary James Smith

Gary James Smith

Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario
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