He Will Never Steer Me Wrong: He Will Never Steer Me Wrong Poem by Erin Hipp

He Will Never Steer Me Wrong: He Will Never Steer Me Wrong

Rating: 5.0

As I sit thinking about my life, I sigh, pick up my head, and keep walking through this path I created for myself/ As I walk, I see many OBSTICALES in my path, I start to turn to try and avoid them but it did not happen fast enough, so I stumble and fall in a bottomless pit of pure darkness, what seemed to be my faith is not; Because out of this dark pit a set of hands reached in and pulled me out and gave me a set of shoulders to lean upon/ As he lets me lean on his shoulder I start to get timid; Because I have never had anyone to lend me their shoulder before, And he did this with no questions asked/ When he ask no questions I went on and put my trust in him to help me to my feet the way I started o so many years ago/ Now that I did this I will always have someone as strong as a rock so that if I happen to fall again he is strong enough to help me back up/ As I sit thinking about my life, I sigh and call upon him to help me back up/ Who is he, He is My DADDY! ! ! ! ! ! !


Satuated with sweetness.

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Sid John Gardner. 10 January 2009

You dont appreciate what sacrifices they made until they are not there.Nice write Erin, Sid.

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Sheri Barrett 09 January 2009

i really liked your poem i was really into the words you put in it

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Francesca Johnson 09 January 2009

.......and keep appreciating him, Erin. Lovely poem. Fran x

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