He Won’t Shine Like Rainbows In The Rain Poem by Noorie Ali

He Won’t Shine Like Rainbows In The Rain

No, he won’t shine like a rainbow in the rain
I say it isn’t a love story when
The colors don’t shine like rainbows in the rain

I say baby this isn’t a love story

Your colours they don’t seem to match up to the style
I paint a picture that’s plain
So colorless

You don’t laugh with me; you try and change the subject discreetly
Too easily
So I don’t realize a thing
Until there’s a rainbow behind those clouds warning me of a warning
Telling me of your playful games
Waving to me on the other side
Where, the sky is white.
The rhythm of the beat
Tapping the feet
Underneath the heat I sing

You’re just after a thing, that thing I will not give

But baby there isn’t a hint
A shadow of you in sight
Am I to end this war this fight?

Baby, baby why are you blind?
Can’t you see the
Art of you and me?
This paint is running dry
Oh no I cannot but cry!
I’m falling
Fallen in-between your eyes.

Why are we so far away?
Why are you so hard to sway?
Oh baby why can’t you swing my way?
I’m just playing with rain
In the hope you would come again
Call my name’’
Baby I’m trying to recreate that affect with you in mind
Your colors don’t seem to match this time
I can’t, I cannot I hide from you
Oh baby you and your views

Their just so in my face
All the time their in the face
Why are you making me chase?
Why am I cutting this way?
Why won’t this phase just go away?

My heart it’s sinking in pain
The rainbows their fading
And then I don’t have a choice
Nor do you hear this voice.

Baby have I forgotten you bathe me in the rain
Just tears flowing down my face
And you stand without a trace.

I lost this fight this war again
Your name, this love story ended up
A sad ending and vain.

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