If it was not for the past,
We would not be here today,
As we create new paths, and places,
For future generations, to live and stay.
Everyone, has personal treasures, they save today,
Many call them pieces of junk,
When actually, they are a map, of our existence,
Heirlooms, with stories of yesterdays,
That old rocking chair, grandma, sat in everyday,
That her grandpa, handmade, her mom rocked her in as a baby,
Then she rocked your mom, you were rocked in the same chair by her.
The chair, is just an example, of almost any object, that has been in your,
Family, for many years, they have been through, births, deaths, happiness,
And sorrow, they have survived the past, take care of them,
They will be a part of tomorrow.
The original: Tom Maxwell © 9/3/2024 AD
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