Hello Love Poem by James McLain

James McLain

James McLain

From Tampa Florida And Still Living Near By

Hello Love

Hello love lies thus broken;
My spectrum around me harms and lost my day.
Like a wild beast you keep herein my manner;
My emanation long to keep we swept aside.
Come, come quickly without delay for deep I cry thy sin.
Deep inconsolable and spent upon your angel face.
With, thee 'I' there too wander, there both we cry;
On the famished wind they come beseeching.
My spectrum their thee follows close behind pale moons.
It smells of thy watercress in the bowls of all the thousands.
Wheresoever of snow, I know the trail must go,
Through winter hail and the rain the pain beneath the mask.
When do they still fade the return of many thousands?
Thousands do and Dost thy not in pride and scorn
Fill my soul with storms all my morning,
And thou jealousies
and highways fears my pleasant night of tears?
The seven wonders of my heart
and Lilith not thy knife has the bereaved of all their strife.
Their marble tombs 'I' built with tears,
and fears of cold and wind shakes too quiver.
The seven additional loves,
you cry them out during the night and during the day
around the tombs, where my configuration of flames
they lay upon my hearts, auditioned loves.
And seven loves attend each night around my couch
with luminous torch, burning low midnights.
And seven loves additions in my bed, their way was lost.
Golden Crowned with wine and sad my Loss.
How may I and sleep forgiving all.
Thy large and small transgressions.
Does thee a trespasser on my land where once 'I' grew.
Hail her return,
and the sight of each my thousand My loves, of Light.
My life with thee replace?
When faced the return of thousands here and live?
When they fade the pity of each Seven thousand I forgive?
Poor, pale and pitiful white the worm and 'I' returned it from.
Which I am tossed a storm;
Iron tears and thy meaning's of tight wire,
You Squeeze around my painful head too long and long 'I' cry.

James McLain

James McLain

From Tampa Florida And Still Living Near By
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