Her First Suicide Note Poem by Ash Desrocher

Her First Suicide Note

Alone in her room,
with only the voices around her,
hoping and praying for better days.
Though sometimes she harmed herself
and she never thought that it could get better,
many people telling her, about how she should live her life,
being told to die, as if it was crime to be alive if you weren't who people wanted you to be.

"I'm sorry mom" she wrote as her hands traced the paper, pen in hand,
"this world is just not my place" she continued on through the lines of the paper,
going on and on with how she felt inside, pouring her heart out on a paper no one would find.
She finished the note off, signed with a simple sincerely, as she closed the book and threw it on her desk.

She tried that night, tried to die, though that rope she had used snapped, as she fell down from the loose rope she tied,
her heart racing and out of breath, she closed her eyes and in doing so cried,
she passed out, into the night, not wanting anyone to find, that note that she left behind.

The next day she rised, ou of bed,
her neck still ached from the night before,
but she got up, wondering if anyone came to save her,
The notebook lying on the desk, calling her name, but she turned it away.
Later in the day her mom came inside her bedroom, to speak to the child she thought she raised from a kid into a teenager,
the child who raised herself into a teenager, and was done with the life she lived.
The notebook called her mom's name, and though she was able to ignore the calls and screams, her mother could not.
the tears fell down, as soon as her mom found the page, what she was trying to hide within the walls of her room,
now exposed to someone she didn't trust,
the screaming came quickly too,
as did the ignoring,
nothing was right, nothing she wrote changed,
no one cares,
not even her mother.

Sunday, April 16, 2023
Topic(s) of this poem: suicide
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