Here In The Mounds Of Death Poem by David Lacey

Here In The Mounds Of Death

Feed the fantasy lost within a suffocating reality.

Listen, the flutes of the forest night are calling, can you hear?
Listen as you shed a tear for the last leaf of autumn falling,
Winter’s dawn is rising fast upon the horizons of our vision
And we are as the children of Eve lost to blanket insanity.

As each day disappears into the last we are waiting,
Awaiting the guardian at the gate to promise flowered
Wisdom in a lover’s kiss, yet there is something missing here
Within a world imbued with burning sigils of fear.

Into the eye of the dragon that holds the sky within his teeth
We stride, riding on unto the midnight sun
Never fearing the kingdom of shades
Nor running to hide from the waves of karmas tides.

Within celestial mansions built of ethereal elements
They reside; the Ancient Gods of our awakening.
The solar dragon is watching, keeping close and warming eye
Upon the valley green below
The Earth Mother writhes in ecstasy
Penetrated by the eye of the sun.

Here in the mounds of death, under fallen leaves
The Springtime maiden breathes
Knowing in dreams that her time is to come
And that it is she that will be celebrated
Within the return of the sun unto our realm.

David Lacey

David Lacey

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