Hey Dad Poem by Emily Clark

Hey Dad

hey dad hows your day, remember we danced in my dreams last night dad?

hey dad why did u chase me in my dreams? why the angry man again?

hey dad im supposed to let you go, im scared im forgetting your voice.

hey dad i try to hold you close to my heart, but im settin you free.

hey dad i had a 'brain fart' like you today, i understand why now.

hey dad you would be proud of me, i ran off my anger today.

hey dad i listened to your song whispering pines, were you there with me singin along?

hey dad why do i have to let you go, pain is all know now i cannot trust.

hey dad i wish you were here, sit me on your knee an make me feel better

tell me i am alright its normal to pace, normal to cry, normal to feel everyone wants to hurt you?

hey dad why did you go, why did you leave us? was i bad did i hurt you too much did i disappoint you?

hey dad you know your still my hero, no matter what no matter how many people say you were selfish, you were gettin rid of an enormous pain only to inflict on others its a catch 22 situation.

hey dad i still see you in the street, i almost run to you, at times like these i want to go to you but i cant.

hey dad no matter what i love you but im tryin to let you go.

love always bear

Scott Austin 02 January 2009

The reader has felt the sadness in the words you have expressed in this write...May you find peace deep within your heart one day soon. Scott

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