His Excuse For Loving Poem by Ben Jonson

His Excuse For Loving

Rating: 2.9

Let it not your wonder move,
Less your laughter, that I love.
Though I now write fifty years,
I have had, and have, my peers.
Poets, though divine, are men;
Some have loved as old again.
And it is not always face,
Clothes, or fortune gives the grace,
Or the feature, or the youth;
But the language and the truth,
With the ardor and the passion,
Gives the lover weight and fashion.
If you then would hear the story,
First, prepare you to be sorry
That you never knew till now
Either whom to love or how;
But be glad as soon with me
When you hear that this is she
Of whose beauty it was sung,
She shall make the old man young,
Keep the middle age at stay,
And let nothing hide decay,
Till she be the reason why
All the world for love may die.

?? ? 19 June 2020

爱的理由 不要让你的精彩, 少了你的笑声,那才是我的所青睐。 虽然爱情在我的笔下写了五十年, 我也曾经拥有过,现在仍然有,那是我生活的同侪。 诗人虽然神圣,却也是有血有肉的人; 有些人又像从前一样恋爱。 爱情并不总是流于表面, 服饰,或财富所赋予的优雅做派, 或容貌,或青春; 而是语言和真理那种内在, 并且带着热情和激情, 给所爱的人那种内涵和情怀。 如果你听了这样的述说, 首先,做好道歉的姿态 为你直到现在才知道 该爱谁,该怎样去对待; 但和我在一起听我说起她的时候, 你自然就会高兴起来, 她的美丽为人们歌颂, 她会使老人变得年轻态, 使中年人保持魅力常存。 世上本来没有什么能延缓老衰, 直到她成为 全世界的人都为爱而死的缘由所在。

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Marilyn 07 January 2019

I love ben Johnson he wakes up things makes love alive again.

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Ahmed Gumaa Siddiek 26 March 2016

Keep the middle age at stay, And let nothing hide decay, Till she be the reason why All the world for love may die. Age and love. it s not beauty that we love but the true word of the woman we love, the language and the truth.

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Ben Jonson

Ben Jonson

London / England
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