His Unending Embrace Poem by Bryan Taplits

His Unending Embrace

There are so many colors in this world
In hues of hot and cold,
Their palette reflects the light of the sky
And its streaming rays of gold.
The colors of my palette are:
The glow of your beckoning hearth-
The sweetness of all your charms,
The coursing sun in your mischievous eyes
And your smile which smites-then disarms.
So those days when I prayed,
I prayed each day to nestle-
Giving voice- then rejoice in your arms.

I admit, I forswore then forgot, my dear,
To me all that you had told,
My only desire back then was to keep you
Searching all your worth-and then to hold.
I jettisoned all of your teachings-
Abandoning them to my now tattered dreams-
Though everlasting was my need for you-
I see many were mere self-centered schemes.

Believe me: There was a time I delighted in your bejeweled essence-
Was enthralled by all of your deeds-
It's funny: Though no longer are you such a mystery-
Back then you were ever mysterious to me.
But never will be quenched my thirst for you-
And as heaven is above-
My heart's-echo will always peal my faithfulness-
As eternal will be my love.

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