Bryan Taplits

Bryan Taplits Poems

I paid her once a compliment
Flattered, she fluttered her eyes,
Yes, I was preparing for another affair-
So I got ready for my new enterprise.

The thing with age that lets you down-
until you figuratively creep on the ground,
Retrieving what no longer is there
A quest imprinted-no longer found.

What a store and a delight-
A stratagem which I believe,
A fevered fount
(Where votes all count) -

A cloud came out, the sun went in
More drizzle was my life
I prayed then hoped-but just got rope-
My heart: All slice and diced!

This Summer-Time, my future plan
I dote on it today,
A pioneered and vast new land
And where I choose to play.

Yes, they I revere
As their image appears
And I recall as the memories flow,
For they are my present my past-

Regulate till doomsday
Tax when in doubt
Repeal all current liberties
When the payers begin to pout.

Life, is ever short or long
-under a re-repeating sun-
But you'll always be buried alone,
Either 'Advance' or 'Retreat'

Rebounding to the way it was
Joyous tomes behold
She's back once more
From far off fields

I beg you not to change, my dear-
I blush, but must go far.
I long and scan with breath suppressed
To seek my evening star.

Like Spring of pleasant memories
Like Spring with all its hues
She sprung upon my heart, she did,
A Spring-with no more wagered wintry dues.

It's not to fear this growing old
-Despite flaming pain and strife-
For it's just another chapter head
"Confining, yes! " But which lives as 'Life'.

The reds, the greens, the yellows too-
And all that other stuff:
The colors swim-
They do me in-

I see a tome, it beckons me
It leers, it mocks, it sighs
A scaffold of scoffed certitude-
From it I try to hide.

Oh. How the mighty has fallen.
Oh. How his family now weeps.
Oh. How the good ground now lays sodden,
As the mighty who's fallen now sleeps.

The ant it crawled and crawled and crawled
to get out of the sun,
It thought itself
'I'm very smart'-

The glory days travel in haste-
An engorging serendipity choice,
Back to them one often goes
When seeking to rejoice.

The Present can never live up to the Past-
Enveloped in its stargazing dream,
You may be successful and accomplished now
But compared to the past-

The trip at the start says that we're apart,
'One' no longer is 'We',
-I shout-as I pout and then whirl about-
My brother lies here: I remember him-

Stalwart and reaching high
Two guardians of the crest,
I see the trees as they see me-
And bow to their largesse.

Bryan Taplits Biography

In brief: There was a beginning and someday there will be an end. The rest, ie. the in between time, is just filler. There is nothing left to say. FINI)

The Best Poem Of Bryan Taplits

My Favorite Stalker

I paid her once a compliment
Flattered, she fluttered her eyes,
Yes, I was preparing for another affair-
So I got ready for my new enterprise.
At this time she became my sunflower-
But boy should I have run,
Yes, I found that she was a flower, sure,
But there was poison under that sun.
I admit, her murderous-malevolence
gave me a fleet and fevered brief lull,
But I still hied full speed-as I whipped forward my steed-
And I diligently mis-noticed all flaws.
...And though I see a new wrinkle now-
As I view my bi-polar and viperous sow-
I don't feel quite yet that she needs a vet-
And thus my cause should not yet be paused!

Bryan Taplits Comments

Bryan Spencer 07 May 2022

The ' Smail Miracles' poem should be included as one of the miracles you are describing.

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