History In Heaven Poem by Mary Angela Douglas

Mary Angela Douglas

Mary Angela Douglas

Little Rock, Arkansas United States of America

History In Heaven

in Heaven it wasn't written this way:
all classroom textbook beef jerky dried
the kings were in the footnotes

even when they died mid circumstance and pomp
in tiny print not even the dolls could read,
and they could read...oh such a romp

the artisans were tired
and tuckered under the shade trees
(from being that organized.)

and purple testaments belonged
to the gilly flowers,
to daydreamed hours

and Audubon led the choirs.
lest we forget
the farmer's almanac inset

with silver moons
and the whens to plant strawberries
illuminated like old manuscripts;

recipe clippings cut and saved
in newspaper columns
from a distant age

for Lady Baltimore Cake
oh everything that quaint
and other sundries from

the fancy catalogues, the wish upons
could be had for a song
just by gazing at the page

by those called average, civilians
riff raff in their Time On Earth,

in silver spooned rebirth
imagine that Heaven gleamed
for the ragbag sorters

and diffident daughters
with the miffed in dimwit quarters
looking on, in their petulant dawn at

angels in the corners of antique maps
helping their ships set sail
the ones they said would fail

in the small ponds
and under the bridge
with swan carvings

where the children played
the game called
Former Days

as they were remembered by the
poets exiled
elaborating on jade trees;

how it felt then in Tivoli
when the opal winds blew
the stars' clear panes out of the skies

make way make way for Apple Pie
Applique and the ladies painting china
subsidized in crummy retirement homes

and it came their time to die.
all Heaven knows, even if you don't
you can quote me:

that to welcome them
all Ages folded, then
into one Dantesque Rose...

mary angela douglas 30 november 2018; rev.23 january 2019

Wednesday, January 23, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: cake,heaven,history
Mary Angela Douglas

Mary Angela Douglas

Little Rock, Arkansas United States of America
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