Holidays & Festivals Poem by Cherokee Akan Ewe

Holidays & Festivals

their demand
and never scared to look you in the eye
you too busy high in dem emotions
emotioning thru dem hours
chartalism ain't a thang tah me
ain't a thang tah me cause in my tomes you ain't gon happen
and that's what's happenin'
cause peace be like a cool breeze as dat sine in da flow
rhythm got'tem hittin'
and what they hittin' fo?
and why they mad fo?
hell yeah sportin'a Clown jersey is funny
player about the bids
coming up like flower following the Sun like everyone else cause the appreciation of the Sun is realest
while others lie to be the illest into they fullest
i got no times fo'em sow you know you didn't
kissing my ivory tusk for good luck
as my memory grows longer
stomping prints into my chess gain
got my own levels and board and pieces
while networking 8 hours
working and educating 8 hours
resting for 8 if the equation says 3x8 is 24
then those be the total hours of a day and night
according to Zulu time by way of Dogon of Mali tradition time zones can get evaded and invaded
regardless of your holiday
just reaping and sowing what you hitting fo
keeping em nonchalant retained in they worlds
cause Invincibility Indivisibility Invisibility yields me Immortality
their demand
without strong arming
with all business economic brain and ancestral spirits in my chest
every breath be realer
than the last inhale
on a Soul level solar powered (echoing)

Wednesday, July 4, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: real life,real success
I can't even feel em no mo'....
Error Success