Homesick For Him! Poem by Aadil Hingorjo

Homesick For Him!

Rohri has a history
Temples of timeless tones
You probably don't know it
Why would you delve to deepen?
You're an extremist sperm
From the earth of Rohri this man rises
The man who's a friend of God
Discarding your gods, he displeases many
And you too are in those many
Abdul Jaleel Kazi is an enigma
Affording enigma hasn't ever been easy
Mansoors and Sarmads stand out humbly
But those fanatics, nobody adores them
Reaction! Reactivity! Why not a reading first?
The rich, romantic reading
To read the gracious God
The God who's not man-made
Who's unlike your patriarchal dictator
Who's not easily stabbed by any passers-by
Who's but a Friend!
Who's a sailor and swimmer
Who's in himself a swimming
Whom Latif lyricizes
Who's beyond your false borders
Who's way wide and versatile
Who's been mate to Abdul Jaleel
The creator is Jaleel, and he's a creation
Who's made transformed him to Amar
Ignorants and infidels
Infidels so passionate
Obstinate ignorants
You severely slash the God!
You claim to be His men?
He's His man
He who has committed himself to prophecy
To the novelty; to the nature of Him
To the songs and symphonies of Him
Where both meet to the infinity
Where both create the same canvas
Where both paint their poems
Why do you guys come in between them?
When you don't know and feel them, why
Why do you disturb their dance?
Why to tarnish their trance?
The Master and the Mystic move higher
Higher than your history
To the peaks so penetratingly peaceful
From nowhere to everywhere
and everywhere to nowhere
Their faiths and footprints fly
Let them do the divinity and demonstration
God has made Amar Jaleel stand alone
The art of Arore undergoes way deep
Makhdoom Bilawal would have visited him
Ayaz would come to drink with him
Ubedullah Sindhi could smilingly receive him
All the ages would merge together
Whether a blank paper or blossoming beat
He's but a bay to the endless ocean
Poignant pictures have printed him
Rustic rains have accompanied him
Intense expression... You can't meet him
You can't match him
You can't ever beat him
He's the beauty quite rebellious
He's a daring defiance
God likes such men
Who are absolute revolutions
Revolutions rhyming towards His highness
When I read him
I learn
When I learn him, I smile
When I smile
I feel an ecstatic immersion
In that immersion is the eye of the Lord
The writing that translates millenniums
That involves anthropology
That is an inspiration from ancient eras
Walking across the Indus
and raining from upon the skies
I recognize him
It's a vigorous voice
A vivacious whistle
Heard by spirit very soulful
Not akin to fleshy fogs
Not released for empty spaces
Only relating to the compassionate colours
To the windows full of warmth
My dumped, dizzy goons, come here
Come, let's revive ourselves first
Earthly Lord isn't up for violence
Earth's a tiny topic
Flowers of fountains and all the freshness
Let's stop before entering the night
Morning's millennia hasn't yet vanished
Stop kicking and instigating organs
Install an almighty music
If He's not into you;
and nor art thou unto him
Don't abuse the Artist and His Art
Orchestras perform through His light
Don't enchain Allah
Let Him and His Jaleel go side by side
Let the love not be abused
Let the moonlight and moon flow freely
Let the wind and whisper go their way
Let the moth be maddened to the Light
Let Him be Free
Let Him Heal His comradely Friend!
Aadil Hingorjo

Homesick For Him!
Aadil Hingorjo

Aadil Hingorjo

Sanghar, Sindh, Pakistan
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