How Dare You Day Poem by Myrtle Thomas

How Dare You Day

How Dare You Day

O day why have you left
the sunshine in my eyes
to fend for myself in the darkness of the night
though moonlight and star shines
I feel lost under black veil
have you left me to vaporise?

how dare you day to change
without a doubt
and leave like a mystery movie
void of forethought
time indefinite is too vast to understand
and yet I long for eternity

why the hands of the clock move
without a key
and change before our eyes
dusk to dawn
with somewhere in between
you are unchangeable
as the sands of the sea

bright the sun rays fall on shoulders
cooled by the night
to reap fond memories
in the mornings light
and move in honesty
guided through time itself


If just for more time.

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