How Do I Find The God? Poem by Jai Verma

How Do I Find The God?

How do I find the God?

How do I find after all the God?
Should I be a droplet and fall in showers?
And be a gushing flow of river
To go in to the ocean and be one with that
How do I find after all the God?

How far are all the pilgrimages?
Mother - father are ensconced at home
Why to go searching for God?
How do I find after all the God?

The life spent as per the will of God
The God lives in every breath
It's all beautiful inside - out
Let this perception be awakened within me
How do I find after all the God?

All the ways in the world are dark
On every step there are lights
Life is a unique gift
A glimpse I wish to have for a moment
How do I find after all the God?

Jai Verma

Thursday, January 7, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: religions
Soul Watcher 08 January 2016

Nice, When we start searching for him, we will find him: -)

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Muhammad Imtiyaz 07 January 2016

nice lines....appreciable work...

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Pranjal Bagadiya 07 January 2016

Beautiful poetry. Life is a gift of God and God lives in every breath. Hence, it is essential to perform every task that connects with our inner conscience.Each task performed by us is watched by God Almighty......So perform each task that is true & fair and you will surely feel connected to God. Instead of following worldly lines one should search within oneself. Awesome message & lovely narration! ! !

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