How Do We Live On Poem by Melvina Germain

How Do We Live On

Before I begin, let me say, these are my personal thoughts. I'm not telling you what to believe, I'm merely sharing my thoughts. When I think about living on, I also think in what capacity do we live on. Certainly not in the human form, we will not walk the earth as we do now. our flesh body upon death is no longer of use to us...that remains here on earth.

Then how do we live on, there's only one way. We become a force, which is a body of energy.So the novice gazes at the teacher and asks the question...'what is energy'. I think it is much easier to understand, what matter is, as matter is something that takes up space, something wecan see and touch. Matter makes great sense to us because it's visible. Energy is more complex in the sense that we can not see it, we can't touch it but we can feel it. We can see
the result of it.

Here is a famous quote...All we are is a result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think is what we become...Budha.....You've heard the phrase many times, 'We are what we think'...If you put that to the test, I know you will be pleased at the outcome. Again, 'what is energy', it is the ability to
create motion. There are two common types of energy, kenetic and potential. The latter is easily explained, this way. I'm sitting here now gazing at my book shelf where I have several books, while sitting on the shelf, that is called, potential energy. If one of those books are tossed to someone, the energy is now called, kenetic as movement took place. Also realize there are many types of energy, electromagnetic, thermal, electrical, chemical and nuclear.

Energy is within us, around us, flows to us and from us. We affect others with what we say, what we do, how we feel. Some energies cause others to gravitate toward us, they are powerful and highly recognizable. Some are much less but still soothing to you and to
others. We can project positive and negative energy. We project energy in words, actions, even when we are still, we have a field of energy resonating within and around us. Energy often acts like a magnet, it pulls you in or can cause you to back off.

Energy can be uplifting, now lets take an object, the guitar for instance, I have one here, sitting in the corner of my office. While sitting, it is potential energy, if I pick it up and use it, it becomes kenetic as it is now creating motion and in its motion, it is also transferring energy to those around who are enjoying what is coming from the guitar, the vibration, the music, so again, the potential of sitting in the corner became the kenetic resulting in
motion and transferring that energy to others.

Speaking of transferring energy, we must realize too that we gain energy by certain foodswe eat. Good nutrition is vital to having a body rich in energy. Having said that we realize then good food re: fruit, vegetables etc. transfer energy to us.

When we rest, we conserve energy, when we work hard, we use up energy so with that recognition we realize we are in control of our energy usage. A person with a vast amount of energy is going, going, going and seems to be always in a continual motion. That gives me great concern. Certain drugs can cause a burst of energy to unfold but can
be quite detrimental to the heart. Meth for instance, a type of speed which sends the body on a fast journey which can end in silence.

It is my thought that energy does not die and if you think about it, knowing that the human body is full of energy which does not die, simply means we live on in that invisible form. I further believe that if we have a great connection with a soul that has so called passed on, then we can connect with them through our energy source. We may name this energy source, spirit. In their new body, they have the ability to move about in the universe and can and do connect with us as the new body does not die. Through death, we have transisted and transformed into an infinite source, one that is eternal. We need not be afraid of death or afraid to die as truly there is no death, there is mainly a change of form.

However we go through a process here on earth and it is usually through ceremonies that are gloomy and certainly feared by some people. It's haunting, dark, dismal, quite scary to some when in fact as we stand by and observe the oncoming of so called death, it ought to be soothing, welcoming, peaceful and what Icall, a quiet joy as we watch our loved ones move on to their new form. We call it, crossing
over and I like all that goes with that also. Out of pain, out of worry, no more debts, no more sleepless nights, our journey on earth as it were is over, we are free to roam in spirit. That calls for a 'CELEBRATION'. We can shed tears of happiness, dance and sing and be happy knowing that one day, you too will be celebrated. You can happily look forward to this new day. That is the ultimate of this life, being granted total freedom that no human can ever take away.

My thoughts, take what you can use and leave the rest...Melvina Germain.....

Melvina Germain

Melvina Germain

Sydney, Nova Scotia
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