How I Long Poem by PRAVEEN KUMAR English

How I Long

How I long you in my arms,
Like pregnant clouds in sky embrace,
Explode in spurts of uncontrolled lights
Spreading bright lights all over heaven
With refreshing thunders in wild rolls
Sweep the heaven in the gale of joy
And pour cool rain to drench our worlds.

How I long to feel your lips,
Wet and soft like bud of leaves,
Reach and crush in bursts of thirst
While mouths ours locked in wild hunger
And sweep over other in mad madness
While sparks run from heel to head;
We're red-hot in unending desires,
So absorbed in each, eyes do not see,
So focused in each, ears don't hear;
You're my all worlds; I'm all yours,
And long to hide in each other's depth.

How I long to see you as you are,
Simple and bare as nature bestowed
In godly elegance you hide in you,
Honest in itself, in shape and mould,
Rich in warm treasures that stir my soul;
How I long to reach, ravish those treasures,
How I long to squeeze, drink joys out of it
And make them all my own forever!
Each is red-hot in wild desires like mine,
Each invites to reach for self-indulgence;
Why is then barrier between us two?
Why is then distance keeping us apart?
Remember nature's move in creating us two,
Remember why nature sprouted desires in us,
Come, my love, let's oblige what nature wants.

Tuesday, May 23, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: love,passion
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