How I Woke This Morning Poem by Jim Yerman

How I Woke This Morning

I woke this morning thinking about how behind the counter of a bookstore is a unique and wonderful place to see…the country that we truly are…and our diversity.

I woke thinking how I'm blessed to see people of all shapes and sizes, all colors, sexual preferences and ethnicity…
a cornucopia of couples holding hands…every conceivable kind of family.

I woke thinking about all the people who wear their religion on their backs…
a characteristic I applaud
as I watch a variety of people with a variety of beliefs happily praising their God.

I woke thinking when I leave the confines of the bookstore how wonderful it is to meet…
that same wonderful variety of people walking with me on the street.

In the bookstore…along the street…as I travel near and far…
I woke thinking this is the America I love…
this, I believe, is who we are!

I know there are people that don't agree with me…
some people out there who …
call my thinking ‘woke'…
as if ‘woke' is a destructive and damaging point of view….

It is not!

It means being alert and aware of our diversity and trying to understand….
the prejudices and injustices that have occurred
and still occur across our land.

It's wanting to stop these injustices…to any human…
no matter what…no matter who…
which means when it comes to making our country great …
we still have work to do.

I imagine it all starts when we wake up…
for once awake…we can begin….
to create a world where no matter who we are
we try to help each other win.

Where we all go to sleep at night…
having tried to fix the things we've broke…
and rise to a diverse and beautiful world….
where everyone is woke.

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