How To Make A Spaceship, For Dummies.(Prose) Poem by John Fenton Mcleish

How To Make A Spaceship, For Dummies.(Prose)


atmospheric pressure neutralizes the gravitational field.

atmospheric pressure in outerspace is less than the atmospheric pressure present at sea level.
atmospheric pressure at sea level is less than the atmospheric pressure experienced below sea level or for example 1km under the ocean.


a football filled with sea level atmospheric pressure will float on the ocean.
the gravitational field pulling the ball down towards the centre of the earth is neutralized by the atmospheric pressure of the ocean pushing the ball up.
similarly, if i'm in outerspace and I fill a football with zero atmospheric pressure, the mass of the football will be pulled towards earth due to the gravitational field but as the ball approaches earth the atmospheric pressure increases thereby pushing the ball up.
elevation of the ball will stabilize when the gravitational 'pull' on the ball is balanced with the atmospheric 'push' on the ball.

use the same process to make a spaceship

example, take a sphere(the ship) 10 feet in diameter.suck the atmosphere out of the ship so that the atmospheric pressure inside the ship is less than the atmospheric pressure outside the ship.provided the hull/membrane of the ship is light enough, or gravitational forces acting on the ship are negligible, the ship should rise to an altitude whereby the pressure inside the ship and the pressure outside the ship are balanced.

how to power the ship

if the ship is made from quartz crystal or similar substances, the atmospheric pressure acting on the hull contorts the crystals causing
a piezoelectric effect.the piezoelectric effect can be manipulated to create an harmonic oscillator.

*note, due to the high temperatures and pressures implosion is a possibility.

*how to circumvent implosion

send a membrane/hull on a rocket into the stratosphere.when the rocket reaches the required altitude, the membrane is ejected.the membrane/hull then opens and long as the membrane remains sealed/stays intact, you will have a permanent satellite orbiting earth.

Wednesday, August 3, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: science fiction
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