How Would You Feel? ? Poem by I wish i was as invisable as he made me feel

How Would You Feel? ?

You say you understand the life of an abused child....
but unless you yourself lived it,
i don't really think you do...? ? ! !

answer yourself this-

what would you do if your first sexual experience was experienced with your father? ?

And you didn't know any better, as a child you thought that it was normal behaviour, you trusted that man, after all he is your daddy.
The one man you could trust, lean on, depend on, then you find out after years, that what he was doing was completely wrong! ! . So what are you to do? You have to block out them

horrific thoughts and try and move. But it's not that simple you know! ! You's all think it is becuase you are only there to offer your useless help, well let me tell you this, putting your words nto action is alot more harder then you realise.

What would you do if you don't know how to tell the right from wrong anymore. Cause when you thought it was right it was just so wrong. And now when it is wrong your not sure if you are confusing your feelings so you think it is right? ?

What do you do when the only person that can stop you from hurting and crying is the person that made you cry in the first place? ?

What do you do when all you think about is that....? ?

What do you do when you can't feel nothing? ?

What do you do?

Just answer me that.......

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