Humanity Comes Through Bp Oil Spill Poem by Loyd C Taylor Sr

Humanity Comes Through Bp Oil Spill

Sometimes our faith in mankind may be shattered,
Our belief in his wisdom, goodness, and concern
For this planet we have been entrusted with
May at times be tested to the limit.

Such was the case with the tragedy of the BP oil-spill.
As the cycle of ciphering crude from the ground to
Satisfy our insatiable appetites was interrupted when
An explosion not only took lives, but ruptured the arteries
Through which the black blood for our survival flowed.
First, we expressed sadness at the loss of life, and then we felt
Perplexity at how something like this could happen to such
Self-sufficient, enlightened, and exceptional people.

As oil poured into the ocean, feelings of disappointment,
Anger, and other emotions gushed into the heart and
Soul of so many. As we witnessed black oil pollute the
Pristine water of the Gulf, we realized that the joy and
Freedom to enjoy the beaches and fish the ocean
Was now in imminent danger.

Then humanity pulled together once again as men,
Women, boys, and girls converged on the shores.
Instead of allowing the deceitful energy of hate,
Frustration, and disappointment to eat them alive,
They went to work. Volunteer fishermen set up barrier
After barrier to stop the gooey gunk from spreading.
Engineers, scientists, the religious, the non-religious, to our
Shock, even some unselfish politicians, rolled their sleeves
Up and set to work. They all united and not only restored
The equipment in place to stop the leak, but also rekindled
Once more our faith in the human race.

©Loyd C Taylor, August 16,2010

Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Topic(s) of this poem: Humanity,Nature,environment
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