I Am In My Mind Again... Poem by Emu Getachew

I Am In My Mind Again...

I can’t sleep and I want to know why?
Conversation intense feeling of obscure sanity…
I laugh a lot with him; at least I know that for sure.
other than that, my mind climbs tree of dreams
and my sanity refrain from cumulative abuse…
self indulgence of raw talent... I call it…

I have someone with me that is taking the walk…
Yet, I ask what have I done to meet this train of thoughts?
bundled up in secure cargo
That moves like the lion roaring in the wilderness
kind of scary, but am not.

I am willing to be tamed, reached out, and addressed.
I want to propel my desire to ignite into a flame of success…
was this what I was asked to wait for?
Mind tangled in thoughts of unseen stairs of “I did it ”.

I want to go out and shout, ring the bell on dream casualties.
Here I am attaining them one step at a time.
I am in my mind again…let’s sleep!
Let’s take and chew the day, after all it was a dazzling day…if i may say!

© 2009 Emu Getachew

Jayson Kennedy 18 November 2009

I want to know you all of you You thoughts are the yen to my demons jayson

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Surayya Abbas 24 May 2009

Nice poem. I like to read your poems.

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James Enoch 16 March 2009

I will be keeping up with your poems. I like your style

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