I Am So In Love For So Long Poem by Sophie Allyah

I Am So In Love For So Long

I am so in love for so long
That my scars blossom in numbers
With my bones grew big and strong
To something, for some, is wrong

It is not what others crave for
Nor want to have it for a burden
Some are a bit of an eyesore
Yet it glitters like nothing in this world

Like an adorable child
Minus the negativity and mild
It is a prizewinning paradise
In different beauty and size

Made to pleasure for a lifetime
Traits fixed with its grand design
It shines like the brightest star
Wailing to be taken from the pillar

The contents are of grandeur
Like the wine when it is pure
At its finest in its highest rate
Held with care like in a fragile state

I want more like magics to allure
I want more like a tongue in sweet
I want more, more, until no more!
Prospering dashing and wit

I Am So In Love For So Long
Sophie Allyah

Sophie Allyah

Iloilo City Philippines
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