I Aspire. Poem by kamryn chew

I Aspire.

I aspire.
The world is full of people who have aspirations. Many are great ones, such as saving lives or finding ways to cure sickness. While these things are quite amazing, and I hold the utmost respect for those aspirations, I never felt the need to go so far, to venture into the responsibility of other people's lives.
My aspiration is only to be what someone else can not live without. To live the in the love story I will one day write. If only to live each day with someone that changes my life every moment we spend together. A man, who without words, inspires me to tell our story, to show the world that it is real. That a love like this is not a dream or a fantasy. I aspire to be another's someone.
Time and all other parts of my life stand completely still.. There is no turning back, for I know the way that I have come. If I had found it between there and here, surely here would not exist. I stand upon one side of a draw bridge, and I await the time when the other half will come and meet mine, the time when the halves will connect. When the other side becomes what inspires, instead of a simple aspiration. To be another's aspiration. To belong solely to another.
I aspire.

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