I Died That Day. Poem by Annie Cordelia Adams

I Died That Day.

they were all about the sea, they were all about the sea
every last one of them, all about the sea
at the worst of my life, i wish i could go back
and rearrange and change the things i lacked

and as summer's about to end, i wish for it more than ever
i want to be in the warm arms of the wind and the beds of heather
if only summer lasted a few more days, if this world could just stay the

where all the words and all the love, all the hate and all i've done was all

about the sea...

now i feel this again, where nothing is the same
nothing now will change after this single sullen day
now i feel this again, and nothing here will change
i'll be in the hands of time, wishing it were still the same day


and my God, what have i done?
all my wishes are filtered and picked at one by one
nothing i want comes to be and nothing i hate stays away
the dust of the ground blows to my face

if only the sun had forgotten to rise,
then the day would still be the evening tide
and somehow i could change my mind
and begin a new life, with a better mind

but the sun did not forget
and i won't forget this tragedy
i've been hated for too long
i've been loved too little

prolong the misery
die tonight
where freedom rises
only with sin
but how such an end
should come to light
and shed it's filthy darkness
upon my mind

but the sun did not forget to rise
the sun did not forget to rise
and i remembered my words
to this very day, to the very way
and i had rather not said them
for i died that day

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