I Do Not Like Green Eggs Or Ham Poem by Randy McClave

I Do Not Like Green Eggs Or Ham

I do not like green eggs or ham
Nor do I like whoberry jam,
Nor do I like truffula fruit
And horns and drums I don't like to play or toot.
I don't like watching black-and-white TV
I like watching colored, it's easier for me to understand to see,
And when I watch it I know it's sadly make believe
So, many people it will trick and completely deceive.
I do not like people wearing hoods covering their head and faces
And I don't care for the judging of color and races,
I don't like them mocking drummers and bassists
Just because of their color, I am not a racist.
I don't care if offensive statues are toppled to the ground
Nor do I care if upon them a sledgehammer does pound,
We have toppled and destroyed offensive statues and books before
They were always the start and beginning of hate and war.
I do not like racists or bigots
Even if beautiful flowers comes out of their spigots,
And I don't really care about the belief of Sam
And I do not like green eggs or ham.

Randy L. McClave

Randy McClave

Randy McClave

Ashland, Kentucky
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