I Don'T Love You Poem by J.B. LeBuert

I Don'T Love You

Rating: 5.0

I don't love you, but I care
Which side my bread is buttered
So I guess that now I'll share
What before, I've only muttered

I don't love you, but I should
Speak of my inner peace
And let you know that if I could
I'd purchase you, with a lease

That way I could return you
If things got a little too crazy
There is no doubt that I'd sue
If I went bonkers, or even hazy

I don't love you, but I'll say
You have changed me a bit
Every time that you try to stay
I feel a need to run and quit

I don't love you, but then what is love
Just a silly inane emotion
You seem to fit like a glove
But cause such brainwave commotion

I don't love you, but right now
I want to kiss and hold you tight
This seems to contradict somehow
Inside my brain there is a fight

I don't love you anymore
Of that I'm truly sure
But denying you is such a chore
And I love your heart so pure

I don't love you, or do I
Why deny it one more time
I guess you know, I'm the guy
Who may just love you, in this rhyme

Macharia Kanyari 06 May 2012

Mr. J.B. This is beautiful in more ways than one. Maybe I'll read it for my wedding toast... I like I love it!

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J.B. LeBuert

J.B. LeBuert

Kenmore, New York
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