I Dont Love You Poem by If I say Im lost, Would you come find me

I Dont Love You

You ask me if i loved you i said yes
You asked how much i replied i cant tell you
You look at me as if i said something in a different language
You ask why not,
I say because then i will lose you
You tell me i wont.
So i say ok i trust you,
I tell you everything.
I tell i wouldnt be standing here if it wasnt for you.
I tell you i cant live without knowing you will still be there for me.
I tell u i love you so much i would die if you left me.
I tell you if everyone in this world wanted nothing to do with you that i would want everything to do with you and more.
I tell u I cant even bare thinking of some day with out seeing you cause it hurts to much.
I tell you your my everything and more.
You say aww and thank me and say you would do the same thing.
Yet that night I and with a another person holding on to them loving them.
While you think to yourself that i will never think of doing something so stupid becaue i said i love you,
because you trust me and believe what i said was true
Well i was lieing to you.
I've been lieing to you so when i said i loved you i didnt mean it not any word ive ever said to you.
I dont love you.

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