I Love You Till Ecstasy, Poem by Liza Sud

I Love You Till Ecstasy,

I'm loving you till orgasm,
until the complete dissolving,
and do you ever know why? -
for the fact that a lot of poems

are written one after another,
what you encourage to do,
and to you the first breath is flying
and exhale of Light straight-through.

I love you till ecstasy,
grow together with you lightly,
as the mushrooms grow in the skies - so
that in vortexes to breed,

So I like to multiply love
and all under your supervision,
love has - the core of spores inside,
and by this means it shines to people.
Я Вас до оргазма люблю,
до полного растворенья,
и знаете, почему? -
за то, что стихотворенья

пишу одно за другим,
и Вы поощряете это,
и к Вам первый вдох летит,
и выдох сквозного Света.

Я Вас до экстаза люблю,
и с Вами легко срастаться,
как в небе растут грибы,
чтоб вихрями размножаться,

так я размножать любовь
под вашим присмотром буду,
она ведь - ядро из спор,
которые светят людям.

Thursday, December 22, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: love and art
Daniel Brick 23 December 2016

Liza, for many years I have pondered over the identity of the 2nd person singular pronoun in poems - who is often as in this poem unidentified. One solution to my puzzlement was to see the Y-O-U as that ideal other who has an immediate really intuitive grasp of the poet's meaning and perhaps an understanding of the poet's interior being, those faculties we call by the beautiful names of heart, soul, psyche, mind and this rapport would be a union of the highest moral significance. I believe thinking thoughts like this of such a transcendent state are highly spiritual, yes, such thoughts extol union of body and soul, and may even create such a union, a vision tuned into music by Wagner in TRISTAN UND ISOLDE. It may not be possible to achieve it in temporal terms, but even as a target two aim at and close the gap progressively it is worthy. So I ponder who is the YOU so embellished and enriched in this poem? I've never written or addressed a poem like this one. But if I were that YOU, would you tell me?

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