I'm An Albino So What? Poem by Preston Mwiinga

I'm An Albino So What?

Some people are born of a mixed race.
Some people are born white,
Some are blacks
Whilst others are Koreans, Indians, Chinese, Japanese and so on.

Everyone seems to be proud of how they were born.
But my story is different, I'm being discriminated because of the way I was born.
Some people consider me a cursed human.
I am living like an outcast just because I was born different.
I'm neither white nor black.
I am but just an Albino.

Some people believe, when we the Albinos die, we are never buried, they believe we disappear.
Other people kill us for rituals, they believe are the passport to their riches.
And others vowed never to mingle with Albinos as if we are an infectious disease.

We are human beings like any other person.
We did not choose to be born Albinos but God has a special plan even for us.
Heaven is for everyone, Albinos inclusive.
Who told you we disappear when we die?
We don't we equally rot like any other human being.
Please don't destroy us, don't kill us, we are not creatures, animal in nature. We are also humans treat us equally and respect life.
If you want to be rich, work hard and you will attain your wealth.

Show us your love,
Give us your care,
Interact with freely.
We are also created in God`s own image.

Sunday, September 11, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: discrimination
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