Preston Mwiinga

Preston Mwiinga Poems

Why is life so cruel, why is life this unfair, why it so harsh, but why does it seem as though my prayers don't reach to the heavens, do I really deserve to be treated like a leper amongst the Jews, calling me unclean despising and disputing and you leave me in despair. Where did I go wrong to deserve this treatment? Am I cursed to always wear a frown? And never to smile for long. The people around me seem to care about my cares but when they are away from me they bite me worse than a lion can do so I call them back biters. The many smiles that I receive look so captivating and shiny but they lack one thing and that thing is happiness instead they just leave me with multiplied sorrows what a world I live in.

My world feels empty, desolate without shape and void. Nothing seems to make sense to me; I sleep with sorrow and work up with it in the morning. Just at the moment when all was getting better in my life, this guy called disease comings swiftly, softly and shifting it takes away my most treasured possession, the apple of my sight the source of my happiness, the one who has been behind my success, ‘‘mama'' she dies before am established and leaves me in a state worthy calling a beggar. Friends I trusted so much, the people I thought would fight stand beside me, were actually wolves in sheep clothing so they make a choir to laugh at my failures and exaggerate my mistakes, putting them on a microscope and magnifying them by 1000x.
This is my life and now am full of frustration because of this flirtation during the duration of stagnation in muddy, shallow and dirty water. I have tried t to put myself to be putting me in a reverse gear. I now retire because am tired of pursuing dreams that just remain dreams am now forced to get relief from kantobo and his brothers because spin last spinned around so now just sing the song red wine, red red red wine. The fruit I once so much condemned the tender plant dearly by jah men. Prostitutes have become a part of my life so the little I make in day-day workings I give them to use for the needs so they respond positively to my desire. Thug life now is what defines me, I dress scantly with tattoos all over my body. As though I was not a follower of Christ but now my life is nothing to talk about, my past has been grasped in a moment of grief and anger.

When I got you, you were that village girl who was so beautiful though naive in your ways of life.
I was ready to love you because you were my parents best choice for me.
The more time I spent with you, My love grew like a tree planted in a fertile land.
I bathed you with treated water and and put ointments on you. I clothed you with an embroidered dress written on it, ‘I stole your heart' and put sandals of fine leather on you.

The words of my mother echoed in my ears reminding me of the how cruel the world can be if you allow some women to use you.
She said to me,
'Mwana wandi Kuli Delaila! Iwe walalila kwati wa baela when she milks the Naira from you.'

Ine skiny yanga niija ya black,
Sisi zanga niza black.
Elo namansapato yanga naeve niya black.
But I am so proud to be born of a black skin.

I am loving the best, and I am proud.
I may delay in telling you I love you,
I may delay in publicizing our love on the social media.
Your friends may think i do not better plans for you.

My life has become like the theater, Lusaka play house. Where you take me for Bob mkosha.
My activities are that of public interest busy watching them like you are watching a new movie on the big screen at fresh-view cinema and eating popcorn navima freezit vo dula.
On twitter I have few followers but in reality so many.
You have forgotten all those important tasks you have just to study my life.

This is a story of a beautiful woman,
not written in story books,
not acted in movies,
not just a story told

This year is yet again another year when we have gathered together as a nation to sing that happy birthday to you.
We are joined amidst the political differences that have worried you for quite some time bacause your children are fighting bruising one another and you are tired of nursing them, you don't even know which better side to take because they are all your children.
The good morals you took time to install in then have been chewed by a virus of hate.
They no-longer shower one another with love but with hate.

He knew that rest lay somewhere up ahead,
but he could never quite reach it. The story of his life brings us face to face with a man burdened with an incredible mission.
Environmentalists talk about saving species from extinction,
but for Noah it was more than the talk.

The day lelo has come,
Vaushimbe ine vasila kabili lelo nakwitila.
Namupeza mukazi wapanyumba and I call my running mate.
Day yanga yachikwati, nalemba yachizungu ija diary come on everyone celebrate with me because today is my happy day.

Each and every moment I walk in fear because I do not know who will take away my life.
It is not like I am a fugitive No! But because I am an albino,
Some do not even want to seat next to me,
Eating with me is like they are feeding on vomit,

HIV and your friend Aids, whilst working together you have terrorized my saul. You have made me an outcast in the society. You have brought segregation to my life.
Those that claimed to love me have deserted me my life has become so dry like the Sahara desert.
My life is flooded with problems like the floods behind the Tsunami causing a lot of harm than good.
You have disfigured my body causing it to have a lot of potholes. My face has shrunk like I am that ablution block that has been emptied by a sewerage tanker.

My dream for mother Zambia is to see that united nation
I long to see people coming together sharing their cultural values,
Religion, and looking at how best the country is to live in harmony.
The nation of Zambia Long to see, is a nation that will people politics aside where

Her voice is silenced, her dreams shattered,
Her future stolen, her spirit battered.
They see her as a commodity, a means to an end,
But she's more than that, she's a human being, a friend.

My physical disabilities has led me to my emotional paralysis and I'm left without a solution but just to complain.
Is it a sin for me to fall in love does love chose individuals.
I am human like any other human being.
I can be romantic even more romantic than people without disability.

Her future once shone bright, a dream she held so tight,
To be a doctor, saving lives with all her might.
But then you came, a shadow in her way,
Turning her into someone dark, wanting to destroy and sway.

Your heart is filed with pain and sorrow
You heart is in pain, troubled with the physical pain
Hope is twisted as others have told you it is impossible.
You are filled with hate and blame.

Black is beautiful and I am proud to be born black. It has the chocklet. Chocklate is sweet no wonder everyone likes it, so is my skin color. Proud to be born black.
Black is not cursed, God is God of all of us, he loves the black skin just like he loves the one skin, because of this I will not be intimidated about my skin color because black is beautiful.
Black is beautiful because it is a symbol of strength seen from the hardworking miners at chambeshi mines, or as strong as an Africa woman carrying a calabash on her head. Being black is my pride and this I will not hide as I ride on the fertile land of the blacks, black is beautiful.

I am an African born in Africa, I am not a South African
But I`m black; my skin is the same as yours and I rise and proudly say black is beautiful and we share this beautiful chocolate color, we are all Africans.
When the cries were so hard in South Africa before getting Independence, as Africans we united to free south Africa
When your leaders were beaten by whites we gave them shelter, protection, food and the hope that indeed freedom is coming tomorrow.

Africa my mother,
Africa my father,
Africa land of my brothers and

Preston Mwiinga Biography

I would like to thank my God for the strength he has afforded me to compose this. It’s not been easy, but I just had to. I also thank the masses around me who have been ringing in my ears that yes I can answer it. And to you my dear friends who are eager to read of my works, I thank you as well. Your critics and encouragements make up the kind of person I am today.)

The Best Poem Of Preston Mwiinga

Wipe Away Your Tears

Why is life so cruel, why is life this unfair, why it so harsh, but why does it seem as though my prayers don't reach to the heavens, do I really deserve to be treated like a leper amongst the Jews, calling me unclean despising and disputing and you leave me in despair. Where did I go wrong to deserve this treatment? Am I cursed to always wear a frown? And never to smile for long. The people around me seem to care about my cares but when they are away from me they bite me worse than a lion can do so I call them back biters. The many smiles that I receive look so captivating and shiny but they lack one thing and that thing is happiness instead they just leave me with multiplied sorrows what a world I live in.

My world feels empty, desolate without shape and void. Nothing seems to make sense to me; I sleep with sorrow and work up with it in the morning. Just at the moment when all was getting better in my life, this guy called disease comings swiftly, softly and shifting it takes away my most treasured possession, the apple of my sight the source of my happiness, the one who has been behind my success, ‘‘mama'' she dies before am established and leaves me in a state worthy calling a beggar. Friends I trusted so much, the people I thought would fight stand beside me, were actually wolves in sheep clothing so they make a choir to laugh at my failures and exaggerate my mistakes, putting them on a microscope and magnifying them by 1000x.
This is my life and now am full of frustration because of this flirtation during the duration of stagnation in muddy, shallow and dirty water. I have tried t to put myself to be putting me in a reverse gear. I now retire because am tired of pursuing dreams that just remain dreams am now forced to get relief from kantobo and his brothers because spin last spinned around so now just sing the song red wine, red red red wine. The fruit I once so much condemned the tender plant dearly by jah men. Prostitutes have become a part of my life so the little I make in day-day workings I give them to use for the needs so they respond positively to my desire. Thug life now is what defines me, I dress scantly with tattoos all over my body. As though I was not a follower of Christ but now my life is nothing to talk about, my past has been grasped in a moment of grief and anger.
Man born of a woman is but of few days, and these few days that he has to live he must scout, sweat, cry and sometimes loose his faith on the on the long run. Look at your eyes check in the mirror and look at your lips and see how swollen they have become and you are now tired so even lose your faith how unfortunely it is. Cry no more friends because enough is enough, you have tried to trust your friends but even them they leave you in despair, they leave you with reason but to cry all day that is what you think is right for the decision. I know you have been molested by sexually hungry men, I know you been lied to by the handsome men you so much trusted, I know you have lost your parents before your establishment, harassments are all over your world and now your heart is broken into pieces, yet others still feel what you are going through is not enough and they come to trample upon that which you are leaning upon. The cruel hand of death extends itself on you and takes away your mother and father and smiling is like swallowing a bitter peel because you have no reason to smile, you try to get advice from people and it sounds right but in its reality its mockery and misleading. Your world is now filled with traitors and haters and they stand united against you as though its Manchester united playing against Chelsea but cry no more.

Never give up, but hold on a little longer even when all seems to give way just press on. When all your pillars are sinking don't give up and cry no more but hold on to the giant of galilee, God loves you and he has always loved you even before time. He has never gone on a holiday because his eyes are just on you, he never goes to sleep, he might have had blinked for a moment but he is not ignorant about your sorrows nor your situation so am giving you this warrant that in a little while he will appear. Cry no more because God never fails so he will not fail you either. When all hope is lost, when your pillars sink because of having been shaken cry not, when death strikes your family just look to the heavens, when hatred around you is steadily increasing don't give up to satisfy your enemies but challenge them by kneeling down in prayer seeking for heavenly escort, sin is never a solution to grief alcohol and ganger are not a best solution to anger and frustration but Jesus is the answer. Now wipe away your tears, wipe them out and cry no more because GOD CARES AND HE DELIGHTS NOT IN YOUR SORROWS AND HE IS HERE TO FIX YOUR PROBLEMS

Preston Mwiinga Comments

Clinton Mubita 07 December 2018


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Preston Mwiinga Quotes

When i'm fustrated, I get motivated to do the best. My fustration and anger is my catalyst to the best in life

An exam is neither a two way thing nor is it a punishment. An exam is a path we all must pass through.

I might delay in making that call, delay in sending you that sweet text, delay in meeting you, I might delay in bosting to the world that I have princess for the lady of my life but I will never delay in loving and adoring you

The best things done are done best if you engage your heart as a catalyst.

When we allow Politics we we die with regrets for the rest of our live. we will no longer be classified as humans but something else. this is why i am saying, 'We were all humans until Tribe and race disconnected us, religion separated us, politics divided us and wealth classified us. Where is this world going? what have we become, ? Why hate another for belonging to a certain tribe? '

The impossible possibility, God can make the impossible possibility possible.

The one who loves the most, will always get hurt the most, always leave a room for disappointments, otherwise you many crush.

Family is not always about blood, but about the people who choose to stay with you and stand with you in all needs.

Data is in the people around you. learn to share what you have, on your own you may not be the best custodian of what what you have. but in the people you interact with, you will be able to find refuge when in trouble

What if we all Love each other? What if we all Preach Peace? What if we all embrace Unity? Say NO! to Political Violence, We are One. Politics should Not separate us

I don't believe in tribalism because does not know what that word means, heaven believes in equality for all.

I have been Built by politics.I have seen the bad side of it. And have also seen its good fruits.politics is not a dirty game only players are dirty

Tiponteko dot com You going to church daily will not put food on your plate, get a life and be innovative.

Tiponteko dot com You going to church daily will not put food on your plate, get a life and be innovative.

Tiponteko dot com Utilise your beauty, handsome, power and Energy while you are young pantu nga wakula tafibomba..

Tiponteko dot com Wavala chitenge cheka cheka with just an underwear inside. the wind blows your wrapper and you expect people to look aside. My lady menso yalibe chipongozi. kavale skirt endesa

I was born to reflect the image of a God who is powerful enough to create my universe, attentive enough to hear my prayers and loving enough to be defined by self-sacrifice. I find my greatest fulfillment on a journey toward purpose and wholeness.

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