I'm Resurrecting My Resurrection Poem by Gary James Smith

I'm Resurrecting My Resurrection

I'm Resurrecting My Resurrection

I'm resurrecting my Resurrection
I'm alive in Him amen!
When He came forth from the grave
I was along side of Him
Christ in me the hope of glory
Hallelujah for that Lamb
Taking all my sin upon Him
He...the great I am

His love knew no boundaries
He created this old world
And every single human being within it
Has opportunity to accept the Lord
O death where is thy sting?
His grave our Victory!
The only name under Heaven given
To raise men eternally

The empty tomb...praise God Hallelujah
He's alive my Saviour lives!
His Word as sure today as yesterday
Freely so great Salvation He gives
Upon repentance you will find Him
And find Him...too perfection
Say did I tell you He's alive
Praise God for our Resurrection!

Hallelujah what a Saviour!

Copyright April 2420208: 51 AM

Gary James Smith

Friday, April 24, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: life
Edward Kofi Louis 24 April 2020

The glory of the truth is with the Book Of Yahweh! From the House of Yahweh! Learning from King James Bible will give little light! ! ! ! Because, the truth is the light! Hated by evil people living on earth; Go to.yahweh and learn! You are on the right path! Salvation is the key, The End in at hand; The crown! ! ! Called coronavirus! Revelation Chapter 6. Thanks for sharing this poem with us.

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Gary James Smith

Gary James Smith

Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario
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