I Miss You My Friend Poem by Noah Body

I Miss You My Friend

Rating: 5.0

I miss you my friend, surely that you know
You think you know what I miss, I've told you so
But it's you that I miss, more then I show

You captured my heart many years ago
You were the best friend I'll ever know
But I miss you terribly even so

There was a time we could talk about anything
And that we did, we spoke about everything
Sometimes new, sometimes the same old thing

I miss you my friend, surely that you know
You think you know what I miss, I've told you so
But it's you that I miss, more then I show

We shared our hopes, our thoughts and dreams
We were meant for each other, or so it seems
I don't know why, or what it means

I'm not sure what to do 'cause it's over now
It's all over now and I so know how
I know what I did, you're no longer my pal

I miss you my friend, surely that you know
You think you know what I miss, I've told you so
But it's you that I miss, more then I show

I'm sorry for all, though it's too late
To ruin everything is always my fate
I just hope it hasn't all turned to hate

I'd give anything to again be your friend
To bring our relationship back to the mend
I hope time heals all, that this isn't the end

I miss you my friend, surely that you know
You think you know what I miss, I've told you so
But it's you that I miss, more then I show

Now when I talk like this I've crossed the line
So sad that it's like that when we were always fine
Or perhaps these thoughts are all in my mind

We once shared it all, always there for each other
As long as I had you I had no need for another
Now I feel that everything is a bother

I miss you my friend, surely that you know
You think you know what I miss, I've told you so
But it's you that I miss, more then I show

Unwritten Soul 14 May 2016

What a beautiful and touching tribute to your friend, i just feel it deeply...missing is something that s real that also in between pain and good feeling...because memories tell all sweet things but it no there anymore to have...wonderful poem Tony

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Lyn Paul 28 July 2015

Wow! Great lyrics to a song yet I know there is much heartache in these words. So beautifully expressed. Felt quite moved.

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