When I log on my computer
I always look for your mail
Because your mail makes my day
No one else has never touched
my heart the way you have done
My inner feelings stirs in my heart
when I read your mail
Ever since I met you on net
I felt you are a great friend of mine
My emotion touched me hard
when I spoke to you on net
Today, I don't find you on net
I don't know what has happen to you
Although, you don't speak to me on net
but you are in my thought constantly
My heart is grieved when you left me
All that I want you to know how much
I miss you on net.
Ravi Sathasivam / Sri Lanka
Copyright ©2004 Ravi Sathasivam
Well, I kinda know this feeling too, In cyber space you can find great friends that can touch your heart.. If you go around the poemhunter, you can find lots of beautiful people.. Most poets write from heart, and poems do reflect what kinda personality the poet is, this is very good to read.. And your poems reflect a loving father, a husband, a patriot and a good friend.. with lv shan
This poem has not been translated into any other language yet.
I would like to translate this poem
go with the idea of shan...all of his statements are true...your piece is nice..i can relate to this..coz if i cant see my friend online, i felt i am nothing..owww....see 'absence can affect our work..''smileeeeeeeeee