I Remember... A Poem For Jessica Poem by Alma F. Martin

I Remember... A Poem For Jessica

In my arms I lovingly held a new life
& gently cared for you with no strife.

Mistakes I made, I do regret
and ask for forgiveness to pay my debt.

No harm shall come to you this day
as your mother I pray & pray

To the Creator & God above
who, despite the trials we fail, judges in love.

To each of us He searches our hearts
and refines the gold as He sifts & parts

with patience He guides those who will
and others He leaves alone until

they change their hearts and their minds
or if not, they continue on always blind.

As the years passed and the older you grew
My love never, ever changed for you.

The love it took to let you choose
is a love so great - it can never lose.

Not in my might or sly words did I use
but in truth & choice I did not abuse.

Kept away in hiding for years
did you listen to everyone's fears

who told you stories to hide the truth
and much too often did use uncouth

to taint your way & your shining light
someday truth will re-open bright.

Raised by souls who have little love
images of Him - not from above.

My wish for you is a wonderful life
away from childhood evils & strife,

to live in peace & tranquility
& raise your children properly,

with your love & investing your time
into each one of them is most prime.

And on that glorious day untold
will we join again & hold

a truth, a light, a love so pure
in all eternity will it forever endure.

So to my daughter that I have been given
I earnestly write a poem so driven

in love & choice & re - al - ity
I open my heart to the possibility

that when times are tough & you need a friend
turn to Him to comprehend

a love so great to let every soul choose
the choice of their life:

Live! - in Him! - not lose.

So guide their way & correct them when wrong
and then in love, step back, where you belong.

Love, mom.

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