I Remember Not To Forget Poem by Dee Gey

I Remember Not To Forget

Rating: 5.0

In my mind,
Memories whispers like wind.
There's a language that only I can understand,
Moments that are woven with words and time.

Walking through the halls of yesterday,
I trace the steps of my past.
Each doorway a portal to a different chapter,
Each room a different memory cast.

I am a curator of my own history,
Guardian of the treasures within.
Laughter of childhood, tears of adolescence,
All the joys and sorrows that have been.

I keep memories in my hands,
Like fragile glass that could shatter and break.
I cherish the pieces that time cannot take,
Every bit no matter how small, is a part of me as a whole.

I built a stronghold of memories,
Locked inside all the things that my time has reached.
I filled it with colors and sounds, smells and tastes.
Sealing in the moments that I alone cherished.

Days passed by and the years fade,
As I grow older, my fortress grows taller.
Each journey is a step in its corridors,
Each memory is a brick in its walls.

I remember to not forget the memories,
For in them, I find the essence of who I am.
I can retrace the journey of my past,
And keep the love burning in my heart.

Monday, May 27, 2024
Topic(s) of this poem: memories

2) " I am a curator of my own history, " a wonderful revelation. This poem amply showcases Your aesthetic talent. Top score and added to MyFavourite Poems

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Exquisitely written, dear poet. This one is the very first poem of yours that I am reading. Though I try to read as many poems as possible on ph, somehow I missed yours.

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