In Solitude Poem by Dee Gey

In Solitude

Rating: 5.0

On this cold November setting,
Painted above is the old gray sky;
A glimpse from the sun in sight,
Wearing a mystique smile.

Sofly, my dear, I speak-
I asked the winds to take my breath;
To brush your cheeks and kiss your lips.
Right this minute, you are missed.

Raging rain scene like my emotions,
It goes in all different directions;
My eyes staring with no boundaries,
They travelled so far with such perils.

Now as I sat here by the shore,
I whispered to the swelling seas;
To take my words, I asked the waves
To wake you up from a deep sleep.

We are torn by miles today,
And I miss you day after day;
Into words, I put these feelings,
And let a tear sealed my writings.

The mirror reflects not my face,
But of your beautiful image;
You who conquered the mountain,
Of my every wish and dream.

Ours is a story embroidered with legend,
Full of promises unprepared to bend;
But the angel of death took you away,
Long after God has sent you my way.

Andrew mark Wilkinson 17 November 2008

Truley moving beautiful poetry, you feel the emotion in every word... Andrew 10

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Fiona Davidson 08 November 2008

Beautiful sad story..well written really paints a picture for me...thank you..

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